Cablecast RTMP now available for vitural streaming

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

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We want to respond as quickly as we can to help those of you who are trying to keep operations running normally while working out of the office. We know that government organizations in particular are investigating ways to hold city meetings virtually. Many are turning to Zoom to do this, but Zoom by itself does not feed a virtual meeting to your cable channel. Cablecast 7.1 recently introduced the ability to air live RTMP streams directly in Cablecast. This puts you one step closer to getting a Zoom feed on the air, but the missing piece for many is having an RTMP server set up in the middle.

In response to this sudden pressing need the Cablecast team has spun up a cloud-based RTMP service designed to take a Zoom feed (or any RTMP feed) and deliver it to a Cablecast video server running Cablecast 7.1, or to a Carousel Bulletin Board. The virtualCablecast RTMP server only requires an Internet connection with sufficient upstream bandwidth (optimally between 2 to 5 Mbps).

As with any stream that Cablecast receives, given the required hardware, it can be recorded and it can air live on the channel. With the proper Cablecast hardware and software it can also be streamed live and offered on demand for web and all supported OTT & mobile platforms. Additionally, the Cablecast RTMP service can send a stream simultaneously to Facebook Live and YouTube Live. 

This option will be made available as an annual subscription. Cablecast RTMP subscription pricing will vary slightly depending on your anticipated usage. We also know that some folks may only need this service as an interim solution, so we are offering a special three month trial option as well.

A plan that offers forty hours per month at a bitrate of 5Mbps or less will cost about $1,200 a year. We will offer this plan for $360 for three months for those that feel they will only need it while working remotely. Note that simultaneous transmission to Facebook and YouTube will increase bandwidth usage and may affect pricing. Please email to discuss your needs and get specific quotes.

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