Hey there, GVP listeners! Dana here. This week on the pod we talk about OTT and mobile streaming apps for local governments. With limited resources and rapidly changing technology, county and municipal comms teams are often left playing catch-up. But in this episode of the Government Video Podcast, we dive deep into how over-the-top (OTT) apps and mobile platforms can revolutionize communication for local governments.
I chatted with Centrell Reed, CEO and founder of Creed Global Media, a Houston-based company specializing in OTT app development and streaming technologies. Centrell is a trailblazer in the industry and makes it possible for governments to harness the power of streaming television and mobile apps to better connect with their communities.
Demystifying OTT and Mobile Streaming Apps and Harnessing Their Reach
Centrell starts by breaking down what OTT and mobile streaming apps are and why they matter for local governments. One of the most significant challenges Centrell highlights is that many government agencies are not leveraging this new technology effectively. In a city like Houston, where the population skews younger and more diverse, the majority of residents consume their information on mobile devices and through streaming services. Traditional government communication methods often fail to reach these audiences.
Delivering Public Information over OTT and Mobile Streaming Apps Lets You Know Who is Watching
Not only do streaming platforms offer more dynamic ways to deliver public service announcements, emergency broadcasts, and press conferences, but they also provide invaluable data and analytics. Unlike cable television, where viewership data is generic, OTT apps can tell governments exactly who is watching, how long they watch, and which device they use. This information has the potential to transform how cities communicate with residents, making it more targeted and effective.
Centrell and I also talk about the financial hurdles that governments face when trying to keep up with technology. Often, governments are working with limited resources and are unable to pay competitive salaries to retain top tech talent. This is where collaborating with technology partners who can keep the technology up to date can offload a lot of the burden and let government communication staff focus on their primary job of serving constituents.
We also talked about the importance of brand continuity in government communication. With multiple departments running separate social media accounts and often sending out inconsistent messages, we get into why governments need to adopt a more collaborative approach. Centrell suggests that by centralizing communication and branding efforts, governments can create a more unified and recognizable presence across all platforms, making it easier for residents to stay informed.
As the episode wraps up, Centrell emphasizes the need for governments to embrace technology, even if it seems daunting. She encourages government leaders to reach out and learn more about OTT and mobile apps, as these platforms offer a way to enhance communication, increase transparency, and build stronger connections with their communities.
If you're in local government or involved in municipal communications, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to discover how OTT and mobile apps can help your government stay future-forward and better serve your residents.
Does your city need help getting started with OTT and mobile streaming? Contact our team today to get started.
What Are Common Video Content Accessibility Compliance Issues That Cities Overlook?
Explore the often overlooked compliance challenges cities face with ADA and closed captioning regulations, learn effective strategies for full accessibility in municipal communications.