GOVERNMENT VIDEO PODCAST EP. 5 - Meeting Coverage Workflows: Covering 11 Cities with 3 Full-Time Staff

Updated: May 31, 2024

Hey there, GVP listeners! Michelle here, coming at you with new episode all about local meeting coverage workflows. Suppose you’re always curious about how other government video teams manage extensive demand from multiple cities for live and on-demand meeting coverage with a lean team. Well, you're in for a treat!

Small Production Staff, Wide Community Coverage

This week, I talk to Brady Wurtz, the Programming Coordinator at Campbell Media, who's doing some seriously impressive work out of Campbell County, Kentucky—just a stone's throw from Cincinnati. With only three full-time staff and a handful of contractors, they cover an astonishing range of governmental meetings across 11 different cities, distributing to cable, web, social media, and streaming apps.

Simulcasting Workflow Explained

We’re talking about the nitty-gritty of their workflow, how they manage to juggle multiple live streams with their limited resources, and the tech that makes it all possible. Spoiler alert: they’re leveraging some cool tools like the VidiUTeradek systems for seamless live streaming to various platforms including cable and social media. It’s a fantastic glimpse into how adaptive and innovative your local productions can be, especially when you’re covering everything from city council meetings to local football games.

Choosing Which Meetings to Cover on Which Streaming Platforms

But that’s not all. Brady shares how they ensure that even the most remote meetings are accessible to everyone in the community. Curious about how they handle simultaneous broadcasts or how they decide which meetings go live? Well, you’ll have to tune in to get the full scoop. Tune in, learn something new, and maybe get inspired for your own video projects!

Catch you on the pod!


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